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Russianname .cn

Апрель — 2021

Вебсайт онлайн-сервиса по подбору имен для китайской аудитории


Florance .shop

Сентябрь — 2021

Вебсайт для цветочного бутика и цветочной мастерской


Tseh18 .ru

Август — 2021

Вебсайт для кондитерской и десертной мастерской


Spicesymphony .ru

Февраль — 2021

Вебсайт по продаже премиум специй


Russianname .cn

В рамках данного проекта был реализован уникальный алгоритм подбора имени на основе выбранных качеств. Алгоритм расположен на отдельном сервере и работает удаленно. Целевая аудитория сайта — китайцы, которые подбирают русское имя для своих детей на основе необходимых им черт характера.

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Сайт сохранил легкость, не смотря на серьезный бэкенд. Произведено продвижение сайта в китайском сегменте поисковиков.

Florance .shop

Проект был реализован в короткие сроки. Добавлена возможность создавать свой букет прямо на сайте, добавлять оформление, упаковку и отправлять заявку флористам.

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Подключены функции доставки и современные способы оплаты онлайн.

Tseh18 .ru

Обновление старого сайта для кондитерской премиум класса. Обновление дизайна и функционала в соответствии с текущими современными требованиями покупателей. Цель нового сайта — удобство и простота совершения заказа/покупки десертов и тортов любой сложности.

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Полностью обновлены каталог и его содержание, а также реализованы функции онлайн оплаты и доставки покупателям.

Spicesymphony .ru

Сайт для компании «Астра», которая работает на рынке биопродуктов с 2011. В настоящее время их товары можно найти более чем в 350 компаниях (супермаркеты, магазины био-продуктов, пекарни, кофейни) в 22+ городах России.

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Одна из самых главных целей этого проекта — донести до потребителя информацию о продуктах компании.

Temperance prime

Sometimes five Imprimaturs are seen together dialogue-wise in the piazza of one title-page, complimenting and ducking each to other with their shaven reverences, whether the author, who stands by in perplexity at the foot of his epistle, shall to the press or to the sponge. These are the pretty responsories, these are the dear antiphonies, that so bewitched of late our prelates and their chaplains with the goodly echo they made; and besotted us to the gay imitation of a lordly Imprimatur, one from Lambeth House, another from the west end of Paul's.

So apishly Romanizing, that the word of command still was set down in Latin; as if the learned grammatical pen that wrote it would cast no ink without Latin; or perhaps, as they thought, because no vulgar tongue was worthy to express the pure conceit of an Imprimatur, but rather, as I hope, for that our English, the language of men ever famous and foremost in the achievements of liberty, will not easily find servile letters enow to spell such a dictatory presumption English.

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And in conclusion it reflects to the disrepute of our ministers also, of whose labours we should hope better, and of the proficiency which their flock reaps by them, than that after all this light of the Gospel which is, and is to be, and all this continual preaching, they should still be frequented with such an unprincipled, unedified and laic rabble, as that the whiff of every new pamphlet should stagger them out of their catechism and Christian walking.

This may have much reason to discourage the ministers when such a low conceit is had of all their exhortations, and the benefiting of their hearers, as that they are not thought fit to be turned loose to three sheets of paper without a licenser; that all the sermons, all the lectures preached, printed, vented in such numbers, and such volumes, as have now well nigh made all other books unsaleable, should not be armour enough against one single Enchiridion, without the castle of St. Angelo of an Imprimatur.

Quantum leap

Sometimes five Imprimaturs are seen together dialogue-wise in the piazza of one title-page, complimenting and ducking each to other with their shaven reverences, whether the author, who stands by in perplexity at the foot of his epistle, shall to the press or to the sponge. These are the pretty responsories, these are the dear antiphonies, that so bewitched of late our prelates and their chaplains with the goodly echo they made; and besotted us to the gay imitation of a lordly Imprimatur, one from Lambeth House, another from the west end of Paul's.

So apishly Romanizing, that the word of command still was set down in Latin; as if the learned grammatical pen that wrote it would cast no ink without Latin; or perhaps, as they thought, because no vulgar tongue was worthy to express the pure conceit of an Imprimatur, but rather, as I hope, for that our English, the language of men ever famous and foremost in the achievements of liberty, will not easily find servile letters enow to spell such a dictatory presumption English.

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Next, what more national corruption, for which England hears ill abroad, than household gluttony: who shall be the rectors of our daily rioting? And what shall be done to inhibit the multitudes that frequent those houses where drunkenness is sold and harboured? Our garments also should be referred to the licensing of some more sober workmasters to see them cut into a less wanton garb.

Who shall regulate all the mixed conversation of our youth, male and female together, as is the fashion of this country? Who shall still appoint what shall be discoursed, what presumed, and no further? Lastly, who shall forbid and separate all idle resort, all evil company? These things will be, and must be; but how they shall be least hurtful, how least enticing, herein consists the grave and governing wisdom of a state.