Лого и нейро игры в центре «Ижевский логопед»
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Екатерина Харалдина

Основатель и капитан успешного кондитерского безумия в Ижевске. Скромная и веселая, временами неуверенная в своих решениях, но всегда знающая, куда движется ее корабль "Цех"


The name 'irbis' comes from the Turkic language, it was borrowed by Russian fur traders from local hunters in the XVII century. In different regions of Central Asia, the predator was called differently: irbish, irbiz, irvish, ilbers.


The Middle English 'tigre' and Old English tigras derive French tigre, from Latin tigris.


The word 'lion' is derived from Latin: leo and Ancient Greek: λέων (leon).


The vernacular name 'cheetah' is derived from Hindustani Urdu: چیتا‎ and Hindi: चीता (ćītā).


The name 'lynx' originated in Middle English via Latin from the Greek word λύγξ, derived from the Indo-European root leuk- ('light, brightness') in reference to the luminescence of its reflective eyes.


'Manul' is the Pallas's cat's name in the Kyrgyz language. It is called 'manol' in the Mongolian language. The name 'Pallas's cat' was coined by William Thomas Blanford in honour of Peter Simon Pallas. The alternate spelling 'Pallas' cat' is also used.


The origin of the English word 'cat', Old English catt, is thought to be the Late Latin word cattus, which was first used at the beginning of the 6th century.

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